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Zuzana Malina Černohousová
MgA. Zuzana Malina Černohousová
artistic research | curating
Tom Price | Exhibition Project Research
Adelheide | Exhibition Project _Curation
photography | visual notes
V trávě | Proč skřivánků ubývá
Life Comes from the Sea | photo notes
Ovládnutá | Conquered
Son Mossenya | Past and FUTURE
#2 Hold on to your dreams
Life comes from the sea
#1 Hold on to your dreams
Miróovi hrdličky
My greek countryside
Impermanence | Planet is Blue
Paulina in LoVE with GUCCI
Intimate conversation with Pauli
Madam Zelinářka | Mikulov 2019
Artists in Residence | Miró Mallorca
Catalina Sureda | Artista de La Isla
Little Her | Quarantine
Volno | Cala Mayor
literary projects | publications
Životy Surrealistů | Rozhovor s autorem
Fotografie bez tváře | BcA. Thesis
Some families don't have a future
Pauli | act & fashion dummy
Rilke a Rodin | Art & Education
Ohňostroj marnosti | Literary project
Pařížanky | LesParisiennes
Aljochinová | Dva roky v ruském vězení
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