SON MOSSENYA| Past and FUTURE | Some families don't have a future
Ancient olive trees witness quietly life stories happening in their shadows.
These oldest trees in Europe are a symbol of stability, of our predecessors dating back to ancient Greece. A symbol of fertility of long centuries.
Their beauty was admired and strongly protected by the Archduke Louis Salvador, who was partly settled in his chateau in Czech town called Brandys nad Labem. He was a passionate traveller, scientist, writer and an artist too. Mallorca was his beloved place and his second home. His life ended without leaving new generation.
Between those same olive trees, which he protected, Pilar Montaner de Sureda, forgotten “painter without face”, painted all her life. Though she had fourteen children, her legacy is preserved only by three granddaughters without any descendants.
Pilar was connecting many well-known artists, hosted them in her home, was admired by them, still her name is not mentioned in any art encyclopedias. Was she daring to be too independent and creative for a woman in those times?
The Archduke Louis Salvador devoted his time to very meaningful projects in the area around Valldemossa and met several times with this extraordinary woman. He was the one who discovered Mallorca for tourism and enriched European culture by his vast research and knowledge about this beautiful island.
Olive trees last for centuries. Human lives are very short and impermanent. Some families don't have a future. But its legacy can be transmitted forever.
They are still the same olive trees, which were protected by the Archduke, painted by Pilar Montaner, and I photograph them day and night, discovering life stories happening in their shadows, forgotten in the crowds of tourists.
#interpolbusca | INTERPOL BUSCA
Interpol busca al presidente de una falsa fundación Borges por una presunta estafa en Valldemossa | Interpol seeks president of fake Borges foundation for alleged fraud in Valldemossa
Miguel Ángel Meizoso allegedly deceived Pilar Montaner to take over the property of the two Can Mossenya estates, according to the text of the complaint.
Miguel Vicens. Palma. 17.10.2009 | 01:22
2020 - ongoing.
As a photographer I have been working on the contemporary approach of those various layers uncovered within this story, I would like my work to become not only an artistic expression of my perception of these stories as a subjective document, but also contribute with it for benefit of the case of the illegally taken away abandoned house of Pilar Montaner – the auntie of Pilar Montaner de Sureda. This project has an aim to point at still un-solved case, which is paralyzing any possible life at vila Son Mossenya. Does it has a chance for
a future as a meaningful place hosting various art fields, research and residencies? Could we imagined that? During my work and research connected to this place and case I also got linked to a fact, that some families don't have a future